We are a trusted source of impartial support for the Further Education and Skills sector to address Safeguarding, Â Prevent and British Values requirements. Our role is to provide co-ordination and thought leadership, championing the needs of the sector and helping providers to develop an effective Safeguarding culture in line with the Education Inspection Framework.
We support all types of providers and all types of staff, including teachers, managers, leaders and governors, as well as DSLs (designated safeguarding leads) or safeguarding officers. Key elements of our offer are funded by the Department for Education (DfE) as we are the trusted provider for Prevent and British Values.
Regularly updated pages to help you understand the Prevent duty in the FE and Training sector.
A broad introduction to the role of the DSL and DDSL and the tools available to support you.
Courses to support staff in carrying out their safeguarding and Prevent duties.
Understand what is meant by British values and how they can be embedded in teaching.
The latest hot topics, consultations and surveys to keep you informed in your safeguarding role.
Opinion and thought leadership in safeguarding and prevent in the FE and training sector.
For enquiries relating the the ETF’s safeguarding and Prevent work contact enquiries@etfoundation.co.uk.